5 Reasons You Should Seriously Consider Working Freelance

Guest Post by Ben Holbrook

1.       You Can Be Picky

Working in a traditional job role, often means you work with the same people day-in day-out.  This often makes people feel stagnant and bored. Working freelance allows you to pick and choose who you work with, meaning you can work with people that inspire you and help you develop. Freelancing allows you to work with a diverse set of people who will also appreciate working with a fresh face.

2.       Diversity

People working in steady jobs often get bored of doing the same things day in day out and often end up working on long, dull projects. Working as a freelancer means you get to be involved in lots of different projects in lots of different places. This keeps freelancers feeling fresh and excited about their work as they rarely work on something long enough to get sick of it.


3.       Work More. Earn More.

Anybody with a regular job knows how it feels when, no matter how hard you work, you still earn the same amount of money. This often discourages people and they stop pushing themselves. Working freelance means that the more you work, the more you earn. Surely this makes more sense!

 4.       You Decide When You Need  A Break

When you work for a company, they decide when you can and can’t take a holiday or a day off. It often means you end up paying more for travelling at “peak” travel times and staying in overcrowded locations. Working as a freelancer means you can decide when to take your holidays and days off. If you see a great deal, you can make the most of it. If your friend is getting married, you don’t have to worry about asking for time off.

It also means you can work at the times that suit you best. If you feel most creative at 2 o’clock in the morning why shouldn’t you be able to work then? Freelancing offers the greatest flexibility.

5.       Freelancing Is Easier Than It’s Ever Been

Years ago, freelancing was considered difficult because it was so hard to build networks and find work. It often meant hitting the road and trying drum up business, which was incredibly time consuming. Nowadays things are very different. The internet allows you to connect and work with people all over the world. If you can’t find work in your city, try the next city. If you can’t find work in your country, try the next country – all from the comfort of your home office!

There are so many websites and contracting agencies out there, all you have to do is set up your account and let them do the searching.  Not only has it become easier for freelancers to find work, but also for companies to find freelancers. Freelancing has never looked so attractive!

 Ben Holbrook is a freelance writer

6 thoughts on “5 Reasons You Should Seriously Consider Working Freelance

  1. I appreciate this post because I am a student and wondering what I will do after college. Freelancing is something I have defiantly thought about pursuing. I am not sure what the future holds in this economy, but I am glad to have suggestions and insight from people like you. Thanks for the post!


    1. Hi Lauren, great question and also a valid concern. I always used freelancing when I was looking for the right opportunity. However, I didn’t start consulting until later in my career. Freelancing can be a terrific opportunity but you have to do a lot of networking and building up your contact database to get your name and your work out there. However, I believe if you are focused and passionate, then you will be able to pursue any avenue … freelancing or a position working for a company. Hope this helps. Thanks for asking a really good question.


  2. This post really interested me because I am someone who wants to go into public relations after I graduate but I am weary about joining a firm because I’m not sure what type of pr I want to go into. I honestly had no idea that someone in pr could freelance like someone who writes articles, so thank you for teaching me that this type of work existed. Your five points have really enticed me to look into this kind of pr work. I also have to wonder however, are there con’s to working freelance as opposed to the safety of a firm?


  3. I am a public relations student at the University of Oregon and as a senior I must ask. These are all valid points, and I agree with all of them; although where is the stability in freelance? You most certainly start out as a freelance writer right off the bat. Nobody knows who you are. How do you actually get yourself out there?


    1. Hi Olivia … I just answered the same question for Lauren. It’s really important to build up your contacts, so, yes, having a position to start helps. However, I know folks who just wanted to work on their own and were determined to succeed. Through their hard work and passion they excelled in freelancing. Social networking really helps to get yourself out there. Also, you need to meet/talk to as many agency owners and consultants as you can. They may need help from freelancers rather than hiring employees and incurring more overhead costs in this economy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  4. All five are great ideas! I especially like number five because it IS so easy to network nowadays. More and more people are willing to help others out because of a couple reasons (I think), 1. They like to talk to people and enjoy meeting new people and 2. I think it is who you know, not what you know. Free lancing is definitely something that I am considering after my education.


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